Important News & Upcoming Events
HCPSS & Deep Run Elementary Resources / Recursos de HCPSS y Deep Run Elementary
Check out the following community resources for families / Consulte los siguientes recursos comunitarios para familias
Registering Your Child at Deep Run / Inscribir a su hijo en Deep Run
Learn about registering your child for PreK through Grade 5. Welcome to Deep Run! / Infórmese sobre cómo inscribir a su hijo desde PreK hasta 5º grado. ¡Bienvenido a Deep Run!
Essential School Forms and Tasks / Formularios y tareas escolares esenciales
Please review all essential tasks and forms for a successful school year / Por favor, revise todas las tareas y formularios esenciales para un año escolar exitoso
Attendance Information and Resources / Información y recursos sobre asistencia
Helping your child attend school every day on time is an important key to learning
DRES School Snapshot / Instantánea de la escuela DRES
Click here for school academic, attendance and behavior data / Haga clic aquí para consultar los datos académicos, de asistencia y de comportamiento de la escuela
Información en Español
Información del HCPSS para padres. Nueva informacion 1-23-2023
Deep Run & Community Newsletters / Deep Run y boletines comunitarios
The DRES Weekly Digest & Community Schools Connection Newsletters are posted here for Families.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures / Procedimientos de llegada y salida
To ensure the safety of our students at arrival and dismissal, please follow these procedures Para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros alumnos a la llegada y a la salida, siga estos procedimientos.
PTA Corner / Rincón PTA
Please review the latest Deep Run Parent Teacher Association (PTA) News here / Consulte aquí las últimas noticias de la Asociación de Padres y Profesores (PTA) de Deep Run.
Essential Applications & Resources
Essential Applications
Access your student’s information and classroom instructional tools
Browse breakfast and lunch menus with nutritional and allergen information
Gain access to Canvas, G Suite and more instructional apps
Read guidance on expected student behavior
Pay for activities and events using a credit card
Download mobile applications for commonly used tools
Get bus pickup times and essential information
HCPSS Resources
View meal prices and make online payments
Reporting incidences of bullying
Access health, medication, athletic and additional forms
Get an overview of the HCPSS curriculum
Enroll your child in the school system
Read HCPSS policies set by the BOE
Get Involved
Complete a brief training before volunteering with us
Discuss district-wide curriculum initiatives
Take part in a county-level student organization
We are excited to share information about the Hero of the Day program at Deep Run!