PreK Registration

Thu, 01/30/2020 - 8:43pm

Parent(s)/guardian(s) of prospective Pre-K students will now have two options for submitting their Pre-K application and beginning the enrollment process. 

Option 1
    1.    Parent(s)/guardian(s) submit a Pre-K application via email or USPS for decision based on eligibility guidelines. 
    2.    If accepted, parent(s)/guardian(s) can begin the enrollment process online and upload their program acceptance letter as proof of income.

Option 2
    1.    Parent(s)/guardian(s) begin the Online Registration Process
    2.    Once parent(s)/guardian(s) submit their information and documentation through the online portal, their information goes into the school queue for processing and to determine eligibility. Acceptance into the program cannot be determined until the school has received the required documentation for verification.

Las matrículas durante el verano se deben hacer en el International Student Registration Center (ISRC), si los padres necesitan asistencia en español.

ISRC estará cerrado del 24 de junio al 17 de julio.

Abrirá de nuevo (física o virtualmente) el lunes, 20 de julio de las 9 a.m. a las 4 p.m.

Los padres pueden llamar a Griselda Osorio al (410)313-1525, dejar su nombre y número de teléfono, para hacer una cita.