Schedule for the Last 7 days of school

Thu, 06/11/2020 - 8:14pm

This was the last week for new assignments being posted to Canvas.  During the week of June 15, teachers will begin the process of 'grading' for the fourth Quarter. Students have until June 23rd, the official last day of school, to complete assignments. If your child has not yet met expectations (below) to 'pass' a class,  the week of June 15 through June 23 is a great opportunity to make up that work.

  • LexiaCore 5=Minimum of 263 minutes to pass
  • Dreambox=Minimum of 263 minutes to pass
  • Social Studies and Science: minimum of 3 lessons completed to pass
  • Health, PE, Music, Art, Media: minimum of 2 lessons completed to pass

On June 15, 16, 17 and 18, students will participate in their usual check ins.  Please be sure to have your child check his or her Canvas Calendar for details. In addition, teams have planned virtual class picnics which are planned for June 19, 22 and 23.  Information about each of these events will be shared through Canvas by your child's teacher. Please assist your child with checking that information and attending these events. We miss your children and hope to 'see' them again before the school year closes. It is very important for your children to have an opportunity to close out the year with their teachers and classmates.