Security Procedures at Deep Run Elementary

Thu, 03/01/2018 - 8:16pm

Please follow the following security procedures when visiting Deep Run Elementary.  These procedures are aligned to HCPSS expectations:

· The front door is the only entrance point for all visitors.

· We ask that you buzz the front office and look in the camera.

· The office staff will ask you how they can help you and your purpose for visiting.

· All visitors then enter the front office with their identification.

· Each visitor will have their ID checked and sign in on LobbyGuard.

· A visitor’s sticker will be given to all visitors.

· Any visitor in our building without a sticker will be escorted directly back to the office by a staff member.

Our doors will remain locked for after school activities.  Leaders of the activities will bring students to the lobby for dismissal at the end of the program each day.

We appreciate you helping us provide a secure learning environment for your children.