About Us

Nigel La Roche

Nigel La Roche


Email: nigel_laroche@hcpss.org

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! I am so excited to be your new Deep Run Principal. I have over 28 years in education and have been so proud to serve communities as a teacher and school administrator. My career began in Baltimore County as a special education teacher, where my focus was on meeting the needs of every student. Since that time, I have taught at non-public schools and at Fulton Elementary School. I served the entire county as a Behavior Specialist with the Department of Special Education for nine years before becoming a Leadership Intern and Assistant principal right around the corner at Waterloo Elementary School. Six years ago, I was promoted to my first principalship at Dayton Oaks Elementary School. Looking back, I am so proud of the culture of inclusion and belonging that I helped foster for every child and family, and I intend to continue to make family engagement and student belonging a priority at Deep Run. With your partnership we can accomplish so much, and it is going to be a great school year! Lastly, coming to Deep Run is like coming home as my own children, Oliver and Chloe attended Deep Run many years ago. They have grown and succeeded due to the strong educational foundation they received at Deep Run. I look forward to seeing you all this year!

Colleen Golden

Assistant Principal | Colleen_Golden@hcpss.org

Jerome Pickens

Jerome Pickens

Assistant Principal

Email: jerome_pickens@hcpss.org

Hello Deep Run Families! I'm honored to be one of your Assistant Principals! With over 10 years of experience in education, I'm passionate about fostering a love of learning in every child. My journey began in Baltimore County Public Schools as a 2nd grade teacher in 2012, and I moved to Howard County Public Schools in 2016. At Bryant Woods Elementary, I was the instructional team leader for grades 4 and 5, and most recently, I served as the Leadership Intern at Hollifield Station Elementary. This will be my third school year at Deep Run! I'm committed to providing high-quality education for all students, ensuring they reach their full potential and closing the achievement gap. Outside the classroom, you'll find me spending time with loved ones, cooking up something delicious, enjoying music and concerts, and exploring new places. My door is always open, so please don't hesitate to reach out! I can't wait to connect with each of you.

School Overview

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. At Deep Run Elementary School, we take pride in ensuring that our vision for students provides them with opportunities to be successful and productive citizens. With over 720 students in preschool through fifth grades, and 150 staff members, Deep Run is a busy, vibrant and engaged learning environment in which students flourish, grow and succeed. Our staff values the connections we make with our community, our families and our students. Our instructional practices align with our school system's Strategic Call to Action: Learning and Leading with Equity. They reflect the belief that every student should possess the skills, knowledge, and confidence to positively influence the larger community. 

By working in partnership with our families and community, we help to ensure that Deep Run Elementary School is a place that values family and community engagement. We hope you will take a moment to look at our web site, read about the exciting things taking place daily at our school, and use our web site as a tool for connecting with us. 

Deep Run students are reminded daily of the expectations and responsibilities that come with being a member of the Deep Run school community. Our Deep Run Rangers are engaged, kind, and responsible. It's our expectation that our students demonstrate positive behavior in every school setting and within our community. We hope you will join us in nurturing the development of our students so they become productive members of our community.

Thanks for visiting our website. Feel free to send me a comment or an email at this address: nigel_laroche@hcpss.org


Family and Community Engagement


Environmental Reports

All environmental reports have been moved to the Indoor Environmental Quality page.

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) School Report Card reflects overall school performance using a combination of academic and school quality indicators.
Fast facts about Deep Run Elementary School listing special programs, total enrollment, accomplishments and more.

Cluster 2 Board of Education Representative

Howard County public schools are divided into school clusters, which are assigned to individual Board members to facilitate school visitations, attend special events, and provide a point of contact for each school community. View all BOE school cluster assignments.

Deep Run Elementary School BOE Representative: Antonia Watts