We love our volunteers and we could use your help!!
DRES works together with parents and the community to support our students and staff. If you are interested in getting involved at Deep Run please complete the interest form or contact Glenna Deekle at glenna_deekle@hcpss.org . We have a variety of ways our community can get involved including tasks in person or at home, presenting to or assisting groups of students, program and event planning or donations of materials, funds or food. Thank you for considering getting involved at DRES. We look forward to finding ways to work together to ensure success for our students and their families.
DRES trabaja junto con los padres y la comunidad para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y personal. Si está interesado en participar en Deep Run, complete el formulario de interés o comuníquese con Glenna Deekle en glenna_deekle@hcpss.org. Tenemos una variedad de maneras en que nuestra comunidad puede participar, incluyendo tareas en persona o en casa, presentaciones o asistencia a grupos de estudiantes, planificación de programas y eventos o donaciones de materiales, fondos o alimentos. Gracias por considerar participar en DRES. Esperamos encontrar maneras de trabajar juntos para asegurar el éxito de nuestros estudiantes y sus familias.
Confidentiality Training Course
Thank you for your interest in volunteering within the Howard County School System! We value our volunteers and the contributions they make to our students and schools.
According to HCPSS Board Policy, all parent volunteers must complete a Confidentiality Training Course about protecting the privacy of our students, staff, and schools.
View the brief training presentation and print out a certificate of completion
Lea la información para voluntarios y firme el formulario.
Child Abuse/Neglect Training Course
HCPSS Volunteering guidelines require all volunteers to review the information on this page before they can participate in any school activity.
What you must do if you would like to volunteer at DRES:
- View the training powerpoint
- Print, sign, and send in the certificate. Attention: Mrs. Fairchild.
Please contact Sara Fairchild, School Counselor, at 410-313-5000 if you have any questions or concerns.
Hero of the Day
Hero of the Day is a program for caring adults to volunteer at Deep Run. Heroes can greet students in the morning, help in classrooms, eat lunch with students, help with classroom materials, and other opportunities to support our school community. It is a school spirit program to show our students how much we all care and support them and their school.
We can accommodate your schedule and find a time that is convenient for you. The school day is 9:30-3:55. We do ask for a minimum of 1 hour from each Hero.
Click on the link to this flyer to learn more!
El Héroe del Día es un programa para adultos responsables que se ofrecen como voluntarios en Deep Run. Los Héroes pueden recibir a los estudiantes por la mañana, ayudar en las aulas, almorzar con ellos, ayudar con los materiales y otras oportunidades para apoyar a nuestra comunidad escolar. Es un programa de espíritu escolar para mostrarles a nuestros estudiantes cuánto los queremos y apoyamos a ellos y a su escuela.
Podemos adaptarnos a su horario y encontrar un horario que les convenga. El horario escolar es de 9:30 a 15:55. Solicitamos un mínimo de 1 hora a cada Héroe.
¡Haga clic en el enlace a este folleto para obtener más información!
A message from Mr. La Roche and Ms. Esposito
Dear Deep Run Families,
We are excited to start a new school year filled with excitement and family engagement. The PTA is an important partner with Deep Run ensuring we have activities and events for students such as Bingo Night, Movie Night or Trunk and Treat. The PTA is a group of parents just like you who want to make a difference at our school and volunteer their time to help. This year, we invite you to help us in any way you can, such as volunteering your time or offereing to use your interests and strengths to support an event. One easy way to make a positive difference is to join the PTA. Joining the PTA helps us support all the fun activities, as well as teachers all year long. Please help us organize those activities and events we love by joining today. More information is below.
Many Thanks,
Nigel La Roche, Principal
Keri Esposito, PTA President
Who is the DRES PTA?
Check out the 2024-25 DLES PTA Calendar (add link) to view upcoming PTA Events!
PTA Meetings are typically the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
The PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
Supporting and speaking on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, and before government bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children (primarily National and State level PTAs)
Assisting parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children; and
Encouraging parents and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.
There are many opportunities to get involved. We’d love to hear your ideas! We are actively looking for volunteers to step up and take on a few critical roles for the new school year. What role can you see yourself in? Don’t see a role that suits you but want to take on another role in the PTA? Great, let us know!
Feels like too much work to chair a position? We are always looking for additional help with PTA events. You can volunteer your time, needed items, or maybe an extra donation with membership. The PTA at Deep Run appreciates anyone who can be involved! If you have any questions, please email Keri at: info@drespta.org
Join the PTA Today!
The PTA would love for you to sign up this year and become a member! The PTA offers fun activities all year long for staff, students, and families to enjoy. You can sign up by checking your child’s Wednesday folder for a paper form to complete, download and print the membership forms below, scan our QR code or you can purchase your family membership online at: https://deeprunespta.new.memberhub.store
DRES PTA Officers 2024-2025
Keri Esposito, President Email: info@drespta.org
Melanie Gonzalez, Vice President Email: vp@drespta.org
Alicia Copeland, Treasurer Email: treasurer@drespta.org
Heather Dexter, Secretary Email: secretary@drespta.org
Holly Parker, Membership
PTA Committee Positions
The DRES PTA needs several individuals who can support our school. This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved with your school and support our students. We have positions to accomodate all schedules. Please click here to view the vacancies. For more information, please email: info@drespta.org