Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) - Winter Assessment Window Opens February 3rd

Mon, 01/27/2020 - 2:09pm

We will be administering MAP assessments in reading and mathematics to all DRES students in grades 1-5 starting the week of February 3rd. MAP is a computer adaptive assessment. In a computer adaptive assessment, as a student responds to questions, the test responds to the student, adjusting the difficulty of the questions presented to the student. This creates a personalized assessment for every student.


Here is our schedule for administration:

1st Grade: 2-11-2020 (Math) & 2-24-2020 (Reading)

2nd Grade: 2-10-2020 (Math) & 2-21-2020 (Reading)

3rd Grade: 2-7-2020 (Math) & 2-19-2020 (Reading)

4th Grade: 2-5-2020 (Math) & 2-12-2020 (Reading)

5th Grade: 2-6-2020 (Math) & 2-18-2020 (Reading)


A score report will be sent home to our families a few weeks after the winter administration of the assessment concludes on February 28th. This report shares your child’s overall score in reading and math, as well as scores in a variety of areas. MAP assessments measure a student’s growth over time in reading and mathematics. MAP assessments let teachers know students' strengths and if help is needed in any specific instructional area(s). Teachers use this information, along with the results of various other assessments and their own observation of student performance, to help guide instruction. Students will be writing their math and reading MAP assessment dates in their agenda books. Our Rangers are familiar with these assessments. They will be setting personal goals and we will be celebrating their engagement and growth throughout the assessment window.


Please feel free to contact Mrs. Quirk,, Mrs. Townsend,, or your child's teacher if you have any questions. For additional information, click on the link below: