Special Education Citizens Advisory Council--Nominations for Awards

Tue, 03/10/2020 - 1:31pm

Please consider taking time to nominate a special person or program for the 21st annual SECAC Special Education Awards & Recognition Evening. Each spring, SECAC holds this program in gratitude for the many educators and staff who have provided outstanding support to our students with special needs in HCPSS during the school year.

We will be recognizing the following groups: Outstanding Educators, Outstanding Programs to Promote Inclusivity, Influential Administrators, Outstanding Support Staff, Outstanding Related Services Provider, Make a Difference Award (Students that have promoted inclusivity in school programs and student activities) and Super Team Award.

Nominations are open immediately, with a cut-off date of Friday, April 3. All nominated families, the nominees, and administrators will be invited to join us on May 6th from 7 – 9 p.m. at the Awards Ceremony at Mt. Hebron High School.

Nomination form is available here: https://forms.gle/DD6phamcmPhGxzU79

If you are not able to access the link, please email the following information tosecacawards@gmail.com: