Important News

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Scholastic Book Fair Opens February 8th

Tue, 01/08/2019 - 7:39pm

The Scholastic Book Fair will open at Deep Run for a preview sale on February 8 from 5-7 pm.
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Job Opportunity at Deep Run ES

Tue, 01/08/2019 - 1:32pm

Close adult supervision job position available at Deep Run.
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Clothing to Cash

Mon, 01/07/2019 - 10:09pm

Donate clothing you no longer need to the white bins in the DRES parking lot.
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After School Activities at Deep Run Sponsored by HoCo Rec and Parks

Mon, 01/07/2019 - 9:56pm

Deep Run ES Winter 2019 - Before & After School Classes with Howard County Recreation & Parks
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Special Recycling Projects at Deep Run

Sun, 01/06/2019 - 1:55pm

Recycling programs starting this month: toothpaste tubes and related items, and foil-lined energy bar, granola bar wrappers and related items.
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Technology for Parents, Guardians, Caregivers--January 15th

Fri, 01/04/2019 - 7:58am

Title 1 Learning Series for Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers January 15th
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Deep Run Digest 1-4-19

Thu, 01/03/2019 - 11:25pm

Click here to read the latest edition of the newsletter.
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Attention Parents of 5th Grade Students

Thu, 01/03/2019 - 11:07pm

It is time for the families of 5th Grade students to begin the planning process for the transition of your children to middle school.
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Deep Run Digest 12-21-18

Thu, 12/20/2018 - 4:51pm

Click here to read the latest newsletter.
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Deep Run Digest 12-14-18

Thu, 12/13/2018 - 11:23pm

Click here to read the latest newsletter.
