Deep Run Elementary Halloween Information for October 31, 2017

Deep Run Elementary School will hold its annual Halloween Parade on Tuesday, October 31st. Our families are invited to join us outside to watch the parade that begins at 2:45.


Families coming to see the parade can park in our lower parking lot before 2:30. At 2:30, cars will not be able to enter the parking lot and bus loop. Please consider walking if you are in our walking area or parking in the Waterloo Park or on Old Waterloo Road (but not in the car rider lane). Parents can watch the parade by standing in the center of our recess blacktop area, on the grass along the sidewalk between the blacktop and bus loop, or in the areas outside of the cones in the front of the school.

Parade Route

Students in grades K-5 will exit out the back of the school and walk down the ramp to the recess blacktop. They will walk around the blacktop and then walk up the sidewalk to the bus loop. They will walk around the loop and then return to their classes for a snack. Students in Preschool/PreK will exit out the doors closer to the bus loop and walk around the bus loop.

Visitors Inside the Building

In order to maintain a safe and secure school on Tuesday, parents who want to come into the school after the parade, will need to sign in and get a visitor’s sticker before entering the school. Visitors may only come into school after the entire parade is over.


Following the parade, students will have a small snack in their classrooms before dismissal. We are asking that parents allow their children to dismiss their usual way—riding the bus home, walking, or going to the car lane. It will be very difficult for us to manage a large number of early dismissals.


Students in K-5 will bring their costumes to school in a bag labeled with their names. Only preschool/PreK students will wear their costumes to school. Costumes should be appropriate for elementary school. Please no weapons, make-up or fake blood—save these items for trick or treating Tuesday night. Masks may be worn as long as the student can see out of them. Parents or other adults wearing costumes to watch the parade need to follow these same guidelines. If a student needs a costume, we will have a collection of donated costumes available for students to borrow.


There will be a small snack for students after the parade. Forms were sent home last week for families to donate items for the snack. The snack will be: packaged Rice Krispie Treats, grapes, pretzels, and water. Please do not send in any other food items because we will not be able to give them out. If your child has allergies to any of these items, please send in an alternative snack.

Alternate Activity

There will be an alternate activity in the cafeteria for students not participating in the parade. Please complete the form sent home last week if your child is attending the alternate activity. Students in the alternate activity will receive the snack. They will be dismissed from the cafeteria.