Deep Run Digest 1/5/17
Dates to Remember
- January 5, 2018 Spirit Day--Sports Friday
- January 9, 2018 STEM Night 6-8 pm
- January 12, 2018 Spirit Day--wear DRES spiritwear or colors
- January 15, 2018 No School
- January 16, 2018 Rising 6th Grade Parent Orientation at Mayfield Woods MS
- January 17, 2018 Winter Songbirds Chorus Concert 6:30 pm
- January 17, 2018 PTA Meeting 7pm
- January 18, 2018 PTA Reptile Night 6:30
- January 19, 2018 Spirit Day Twin Day
- January 23, 2018 FIT Family Night
- January 24, 2018 Rising 6th Grade Parent Orientation at Thomas Viaduct MS
- January 24, 2018 Parent Survival Guide for the Elementary Years 6-8pm
- January 24, 2018 No 1/2 day PreK and RECC classes
- January 25, 2018 No 1/2 day PreK and RECC classes
- January 26, 2018 No 1/2 day PreK and RECC classes
- January 26, 2018 Early Dismissal at 12:55 End of Marking Period
- January 26, 2018 DRES Spirit Day--wear DRES spiritwear or colors
- January 30, 2018 Beginning Band and Orchestra Concert 6:30
View a commercial in English and Espanol about our January events
News and Event
It's Cold Outside!
Reminders about recess when it is cold.
When it is below 20 degrees, we are letting students into the lobby to wait for the bell to ring. Please do not drop your child off before 9:05.
Our official dismissal time is 3:55, parents picking up their children by car should be in the car line no later than 3:55. Enter the car line by turning into the Waterloo Park loop.
Students in need of coats, hats or gloves should see our school counselors: Mrs. Wohnsigl or Mrs. Dix.
Maryland Science Center Family Science Night
Tuesday, January 9, 2018, 6-8 pm
Activities include:
- Identify common cooking ingredients using chemistry
- Extract DNA from a living organism
- Learn and provide lightning-quick stunts to amaze your friends
- Engineering and coding challenges
This evening is designed for students to work alongside their parents or a supervising adult
Click here to see the flyer and registration form--the forms will also be sent home.
FIT2Order's FIT Family Night--Coming in January
FIT2Order's FIT Family Night is coming to Deep Run on January 23, 2018 (snow date is January 31st) from 6-8 pm. Fitness stations will include:
- Kid Friendly Boot Camp
- Martial Arts
- Zumba
- Yoga
- Dance Party Finale
- Wellness Tables
- Nutrition Workshop for Parents
Registration will take place from January 8-22. Registration forms will go home in January with an option to register on-line. Parents must attend with their children. Click here to read more.
Reserve el Dia: Familia Gratis Deep Run Evento de Bienestar
Marque su calendario para una Familia Gratis Deep Run Evento de Bienestar
Cuando: 23 de Enero de 2018 (Nieve Fecha: 31 de Enero de 2018) Hora: 6-8 pm
Estaciones de bienestar:
- Campo de entrenamiento para los ninos
- Artes Marciales
- Zumba
- Yoga
- Final de la Fiesta de Baile
- Taller de Nutricion para los Padres
- Mesas de Bienstar
El registro es de enero de 8-22. Lee mas.
PTA Reptile Night
Join us for a fun night to learn about snakes, turtles, and other reptiles.
There will be live animals!
When: Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 6:30
Where: Cafeteria
Price: $1 per person, pay at the door
Questions: Contact Amanda Witt at
Middle School Orientations for parents of our 5th graders
Mayfield Woods Middle School--January 16th at 6:30 with GT orientation at 5:45. Please see attached flyer.
Thomas Viaduct Middle School--January 24th at 6:30
Howard County Family Institute at Deep Run Elementary
Parents Survival Guide for the Elementary Years on January 24th 6-8 pm
Friendship Skills for School and Life Success on February 21st from 6-7 pm
PTA Book Drive and Sale
We are collecting gently used books in the blue and yellow book drive bin in the lobby from now through February.
Books will be for sale during lunch periods on 2/14 & 2/15.
Students may purchase two books per lunch period. Books are $0.25 each.
The remaining books will be available for purchase during Cozy Night of Reading on 2/15.
DRES Hero of the Day Program
We are excited to re-launch our Deep Run Hero of the Day program! We look forward to having parents/guardians, grandparents, community leaders and other adults in our students’ lives get involved at our school!! Learn how to participate.
Community News and Programs
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.