Kindergarten Online Registration Starts March 1st

Kindergarten registration is the week of March 5th-9th.  To register for kindergarten, children must be five years old by September 1, 2018.  All children must be registered by their custodial parent (biological, adoptive, legal guardian.)

This year HCPSS will introduce a new online registration process.  Starting Thursday, March 1, you will find a link on the main HCPSS website to begin the online process. HOWEVER, you will still need to come in during Kindergarten registration week to complete the process.  

In order to register your child you must have the following items:

* Parent picture ID
* Child's current immunization record - must be a print out from the pediatrician
* Current signed lease or deed
* Current utility bill - non-cellular phone bill, gas and electric, cable bill
* Your child's original birth certificate or birth registration

Times for registration next week will be 10:00 am - 3:00 pm daily.  Evening appointments will be available upon request.   Any questions, please contact the front office at 410-313-5000.

Please note: if you currently live in the Deep Run district and your child will attend Hanover Hills ES (the new school), you will register your child at Deep Run ES.