DRES Grade 5 MISA Testing

Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) is Maryland’s Next Generation Science Standards-aligned standardized science assessment.  All elementary students take the MISA in Grade 5. MISA is scheduled during our students' morning academic block on the following dates...

    •    Monday, March 12 - Session 1 
    •    Tuesday, March 13 - Session 2
    •    Wednesday, March 14 - Session 3
    •    Friday, March 16  - Session 4
Each online session is scheduled for 60 minutes of testing time. Parents can support their student(s) by ensuring they get a good night's rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive to school on time "ready to show what they know."

For additional information please visit https://www.hcpss.org/academics/testing/misa/ or contact Mr. Notari (daniel_notari@hcpss.org) or Mrs. Quirk (sophia_quirk@hcpss.org) with any questions.