Dates to Remember
- April 13, 2018 Spirit Day--DRES spirit wear or blue/white
- April 13, 2018 End of the 3rd Marking Period Early Dismissal at 12:55
- April 18, 2018 PTA Meeting 7pm
- April 19, 2018 DRES Musical 6:30pm
- April 20, 2018 Wear Green for Earth Day
- April 20, 2018 International Night 6-8pm
- April 23, 2018 Report Cards Go Home
- April 25, 2018 Clothing Giveaway 5:30-8 pm
- April 25, 2018 Band Concert 6pm
- April 25, 2018 Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm
- April 25, 2018 PARCC 5th Grade
- April 26, 2018 Take Your Child to Work Day
- April 26, 2018 PARCC 5th Grade
- April 26, 2018 Bookmobile 4:30
- April 27, 2018 Spirit Day--Wear DRES Spirit Wear
- April 27, 2018 PARCC 5th Grade
- April 30, 2018 PARCC 4th Grade
News and Event
PARCC Testing Begins in Grades 3, 4, 5 on April 25th
Deep Run will begin PARCC testing on April 25th. Read more
Deep Run Elementary Green Week-April 16-20
The entire Deep Run Community is encouraged to participate in Green Week!
Monday: Cave Day! All classrooms will experience some time without lights to discuss the impact of electricity. Bring a flashlight for reading fun!
Tuesday: Trash-on Show! Use recycled or reused items to design your outfit and accessories.
Wednesday: Waste Free Wednesday! Pack a lunch, reuse paper, and don't throw anything away. Recycle or reuse everything.
Thursday: Wear Green! Show some school spirit with lots of green.
Friday: Copy Free Friday and Team Wide Projects! No worksheets will be used this day in classrooms. Each grade will complete a project to support Earth Day.
Robotics Class for DRES 4th and 5th Students
4th and 5th grade students are invited to participate in robotics class on Mondays and Wednesdays this spring.Read more
International Night is April 20th
We will celebrate the many different cultures of our school community on Friday, April 20 from 6-8 pm. If you signed up to participate by bringing food, a craft, hosting a table with information about your country, or your child is participating in the showcase please arrive at 5:30 to get set up. Otherwise we look forward to seeing you between 6:00-8:00!Deep Run Students' Artwork is at the Columbia Mall Art Exhibition
The HCPSS Spring Student Exhibition at The Mall in Columbia is open until April 23rd.The Deep Run panel is located on the top level between Macy's and Nordstroms.
Save the Date! The Enrichment Fair is May 3rd!
Save the Date! This year's Enrichment Fair is May 3rd from 6-8 pm. Come see student projects from the Gifted and Talented Program as well as classroom projects across all grade levels. Also, enjoy the second annual Invention Convention.
Staff Appreciation 5th Grade Flower Sale
Teacher appreciation week is the week of May 7th. It is a great time to send a message to your teachers, past and present, to let them know just how much you appreciate them. Read more
Hoops for Heart--Thank you Deep Run Elementary!
Deep Run raised over $8,000 for the American Heart Association by participating in Hoops for Heart.
2nd Annual Invention Convention
This year Deep Run Elementary will again be hosting an Invention Convention. It is designed to promote problem-solving and creative-thinking skills. The goal of the Invention Convention is to invent a new product or develop a new method for completing a task. This is a 21st century skill that will be critical to our children's success in the future.
The Invention Convention will be held on May 3, 2017, during our Schoolwide Enrichment Fair (6:30-8:00 p.m.). Certificates will be awarded to each participant. We know your child will enjoy and benefit from this experience in scientific problem solving.
Click here for more information.
PTA Clothing Drive
PTA is sponsoring a children's clothing drive to benefit members of our Deep Run community. Read more
La Asociación de Padres y Profesores (PTA) de la escuela primaria de Deep Run (DRES) está patrocinando una campaña de ropa para los niños. Lee mas
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration is open. To register for kindergarten, children must be five years old by September 1, 2018. All children must be registered by their custodial parent (biological, adoptive, legal guardian.)
This year HCPSS will introduce a new online registration process. Starting Thursday, March 1, you will find a link on the main HCPSS website to begin the online process. HOWEVER, you will still need to come in during Kindergarten registration week to complete the process. Read more.
Deep Run Learning Together Program
The Deep Run Regional Early Childhood Center (RECC) toddler and preschool programs are making preparations for classes for the 2018-19 school year. These classes include children with and without disabilities. The program’s focus is helping all children develop communication, literacy, math, problem solving, motor, and social skills. Parents of children who will be 3 by September 1st or 4 years of age may pick up an application package in the front office.
All applications must be returned by the last Friday in March. A limited number of openings are available for children without disabilities. Children are selected based upon screening information given on the application form and the “Ages and Stages Questionnaire,” as well as observations of the child’s participation in a playgroup. If necessary, a lottery process is conducted.
If you have any questions, please contact Ruth Gibson at (410) 313-5000.
Yearbook Order Forms Due May 1st
Yearbook order forms went home in this week's Wednesday folders. The order forms are due May 1st. Yearbooks cost $15. Checks (made out to DRES), cash, or online orders will be accepted. To order online, visit and use Online Code: 108429
DRES Hero of the Day Program
We are excited to re-launch our Deep Run Hero of the Day program! We look forward to having parents/guardians, grandparents, community leaders and other adults in our students’ lives get involved at our school!! Learn how to participate.