Deep Run Bus Transportation and Car Rider Procedures

Student Transportation Forms & Bus Routes

Please complete the attached DRES Student Transportation Form, available in English and Spanish, for each of your students. Be sure to turn it in to your child's teacher at Open House on Friday or on the first day of school. Copies will also available during Open House. Completing these forms is critical in ensuring a safe dismissal for each and every Deep Run Ranger. Thank you!

Please visit and click on Find your bus stop to determine whether you live in the walk zone or if you are eligible for bus service.  This is where you will view bus numbers, bus stops and approximate pick-up times for bus eligible students. 

Establishing Transportation Routines on the First Day of School

On the first day of school, we ask all families to “kiss and wave” good-bye to their children at the bus stop for bus riders or at our schoolhouse doors for walkers. This is necessary for keeping a secure school building and helps your child establish an independent routine for entering his/her classroom. 

We are asking that parents do not walk their children to class.  We will have many staff members available to ensure all students safely get to their classrooms. Our Open House on Friday September 1st is the perfect time for families to visit classrooms and meet our teachers. Your help in ensuring consistent procedures and a safe and smooth start to the first day of school is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Before the First Day Bus Rider Checklist

If your child is a bus rider, please review the following information to best prepare your bus rider for the first day of school…

·      I have discussed basic safety practices with my child.

·      I have made at least one visit to the bus stop with my child.

·      I have checked and selected the safest and most direct route to and from the bus stop.

·      My child is aware of the "danger zone."

o   Take 10 giant steps away from the bus when getting off.

o   Always cross in front of the bus.

o   Look at the bus driver & wait for the driver’s signal before crossing the road.

·      My child is aware of where he/she needs to go when leaving the bus.

·      I have discussed with my child what to do if she/he misses the bus.

·      My child visually can identify the location of his or her bus stop for the afternoon ride home.

Car Loop Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

We encourage our families to walk to school if they live in our walker zone.  If you drive, please review the attached Deep Run Car Loop flyer, available in English & Spanish, for an overview on how to ensure safe, friendly, and efficient arrival and dismissal procedures for our school community.