
Regular, daily attendance is very important for learning and the overall success of your child at school.  Children are required to be in school every day school is in session unless the child has a fever or contagious illness.  The Howard County Board of Education allows the following excused absences:  death in the family, illness, or religious obligation. Deep Run's Student Services Team meets once a month to review student attendance.  The team reaches out to parents to ask about excessive absences,late arrivals and early dismissals and to offer assistance if needed.

Deep Run must receive a note from the parent or doctor within two days of the absence to explain the reason for the absence.  If no note is received, the absence is unexecused. You may send in a note with your child or you may email

A request can be made to Mrs. Lancaster if your child needs to be absent for a non-emergency circumstance.  Students are allowed up to 3 discretionary excused absence days per year.

Additionally, it is important that your child arrive to school on time and stay until the end of the day. Excused reasons for late arrival or early dismissal include: illness, doctor's appointment, death in the family or religious obligation.

For addiitonal information please see Policy 9010--Implementation Procedures--Attendance