Deep Run Digest 2-22-19

Dates to Remember

  • February 22        Spirit Day--Dress in tacky clothes
  • February 25        Dr. Seuss Spirit Week (see below)
  • February 27        PTA Restaurant Night at Eggspectations 7am-9 pm
  • February 28        Cozy Night of Reading 6:30
  • February 28        Coffee and Conversation with Administrators 9:15-10:15 am
  • March 1              Read Across Deep Run Day
  • March 6               Interims for 3rd Marking Period Go Home
  • March 8               Spirit Day--Deep Run Pride--wear blue/white or spirit wear
  • March 8               PTA Bingo  Doors Open at 6:30, First Game is at 7:00
  • March 8               Hershey Park Ticket Order Forms Due
  • March 13             STEM NIght 6:30

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News and Events

Discounted Hershey Park Tickets

The Deep Run PTA is selling discounted Hershey Park Tickets that are good any day from May 3rd through September 29th.  The tickets include entry into the waterpark and zoo. Flyers are going home with students in their Wednesday folders or you can click on the links below.  Orders are due March 8th.

Hershey Park Flyer English

Hershey Park Flyer Spanish

DRES PTA Bingo Night--March 8th

The Deep Run PTA will be hosting a family Bingo Night on March 8th in the cafeteria.  Doors open at 6:30 and the first bingo game starts at 7.  The cost is $3.00 for PTA members and their families or $4.00 for everyone else.  Children must be accompanied by a parent.  Prizes will be awarded to winners.  5th grade will be selling pizza, drinks, and snacks.

Bingo Flyer in English

Bingo Flyer in Spanish

Dr. Seuss Spirit Days and Read Across Deep Run Day

In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday and Read Across Deep Run Day on March 1st, the week of February 25th will be "show your spirit" week!  Students and staff cna participate by wearing and reading the following:

Dr. Seuss Spirit Days English

Dr. Seuss Spirit Days Spanish

Cozy Night of Reading

Cozy Night of Reading:  I'm Dreaming of a Good Book

February 28th, 6-8 pm

Many community resources will be available starting at 6:00 (energy assistance, food, housing, education, and employment)Teachers and other staff members will begin reading at 6:30.

Coffee and Conversation with Deep Run Administrators

Join Mrs. Lancaster and Mr. Notari for coffee on February 28th from 9:15-10:15 to talk about Deep Run, Howard County Public Schools, and education.  Bring your questions and comments to an open discussion.

DRES PTA Bylaw Amendment

The DRES PTA is amending the PTA bylaws which govern PTA activities. The Bylaws are required to be reviewed every three years.  The proposed changes primarily revert our bylaws to the standard language used by the Maryland PTA.  One key change is reducing our officers from 2 Vice Presidents to 1 Vice President.  We no longer feel it is necessary to split the duties of the Vice President.  If you have questions or would like to see the changes, email

Worth Repeating

Afternoon Car Loop

As you may have already noticed, we are experimenting with some different options to expedite our afternoon car loop. Please be alert for directions from our staff and thanks for your patience. We will be sure to keep our community informed of any permanent changes to our procedures.

Information about Emergency Weather Closings in Howard County Schools

Everything you ever wanted to know about emergency weather closings in Howard County Schools can be found at:

How to Receive Text Messages from HCPSS and Deep Run ES

To comply with wireless carrier requirements, parents/guardians and community members must opt into receiving HCPSS text message alerts. Standard data fees and text messaging rates may apply based on your mobile plan. If you are unsure if you have already opted in, text the word “YES” to 67587 from the cell phone number on file in HCPSS Connect.

For community members without students in the school system, text the word “YES” to 67587 from the cell phone number that you signed up with.

DRES PTA Restaurant Night at Eggspectations February 27

Join family and friends at the next PTA Restaurant Night at Eggspectations on February 27th from 7:00am -9:00 pm.  The Deep Run PTA will receive 15% of the sales when you present one of the below flyers.

Eggspectations Flyer in English

Eggspectations Flyer in Spanish

Girls on the Run--Registration Opens February 10th

Girls on the Run Registration Opens February 10: Girls on the Run® inspires girls in grades 3-5 to be joyful, healthy, and confident by using running to teach valuable life skills. Teams of 15-20 girls meet twice weekly after school for 10 weeks. Each season concludes with the girls and their running buddies completing a 5k run. The Spring season will start the week of March 17, with the season-ending 5k scheduled for June 1, 2019, in Columbia, MD. Registration opens on Sunday, February 10 at 12:00 noon. Program registration fee is $175 and includes 5k registration, water bottle, t-shirt, and all program materials. Financial assistance is available – no girl is turned away. Visit for a list of program sites and to register. Questions? Call 443-583-7740

Dolly Parton Imagination Library

Deep Run has been selected to participate in Read with Me, a partnership between HCPSS, Bright Minds, the HC Early Childhood Advisory Council, and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.

This program is for ANY baby or young child age 4 or under who lives in the Deep Run Elementary area. This includes your relatives and neighbors who live in the Deep Run area. Books will be mailed directly to your child.  If you would like to sign up, complete the form below--one form per child.  Contact Glenna Deekle at Deep Run with questions at 410-313-5000 or    Read more

Community News and Programs

Please visit the Community News and Programs page at for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.