DRES PTA Fall Fundraiser Thu, 09/27/2018 - 22:53 The DRES PTA Fundriaser is under way. Orders with payment are due October 5th.
Walk and Bike to School Thu, 09/27/2018 - 22:48 We invite you to walk or bike to Deep Run with your child on October 10th.
Back to School Policies Review with Students Wed, 09/26/2018 - 10:41 Each year, the principal and assistant principals meet with each grade for a class meeting during the first few weeks of school to review some of the very important policies of the Howard County Public School System.
Back to School Night Resources (including GT) Tue, 09/25/2018 - 18:04 Click here to access Back to School Night Powerpoint Presentations and Resources!
Attendance Tue, 09/25/2018 - 14:59 Regular, daily attendance is very important for learning and the overall success of your child at school.
GT Information Night Moved to October 8th at 6:00 Thu, 09/20/2018 - 21:22 On October 8th at 6:00, we will have our GT Information Night for Parents.
Car Loop and Student Safety/Carril de Coches donde se dejan y se recogen los estudiantes y seguridad del estudiante Tue, 09/18/2018 - 07:59 Car Loop and Student Safety/Carril de Coches donde se dejan y se recogen los estudiantes y seguridad del estudiante
G/T Testing--4th and 5th Grade Students NEW to Howard County Sun, 09/16/2018 - 21:31 G/T Testing for 4th and 5th Grade Students NEW to Howard County.