Deep Run Digest 9-11-2020

Important Dates

Sept 22  Virtual Back to School Night Prekindergarten-2 @ 6:30 pm

Sept 23  Virtual Back to School Night 3-5 @ 6:30 pm

Sept 23  Virtual Back to School Music Night 5-6 pm

Sept 24  Virtual GT Back to School Night @ 6:30 pm

Sept 24 Virtual Back to School Music Night 5-6 pm

Sept 28 Schools Closed for Yom Kippur


Welcome from our PTA President, Mrs. Sanders

2020 Welcome Letter from the PTA President--English

2020 Welcome Letter from the PTA President--Spanish

Weekly Related Arts Assignments

To assist students in completing the correct asynchronous related arts lessons each week, students will receive a Canvas announcement on Mondays letting them know the related arts classes with assignments that should be completed on Wednesday.  Additionally, students'  Canvas to-do list on Wednesday will also reflect the classes with assignments. 

4th and 5th Graders are Invited to Songbirds (Chorus for 4th and 5th Graders)

Mr. Monroe would love to have you in Songbirds this year.  The Deep Run Songbirds Chorus is open to all interested students in 4th and 5th grades. Fifth Grade Songbirds will meet on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 9:55 and Fourth Grade on Wednesdays from 2:45 to 3:15. 

Students can be in Band and Chorus, Strings and Chorus, or just Chorus!

Click here to sign up.

Information about band and strings is coming soon.

Emergency Card Procedures on Family File

HCPSS utilizes Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. Regardless of virtual or in-person learning, parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child. Parents/guardians can complete Family File by logging in to HCPSS Connect, selecting the More Options tab on the left, and then selecting Family File in the center column. Family File guides are available online.

Information and Application for the Free and Reduced Meals Program

HCPSS participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs which provide families with significant benefits to help save money. Qualification is based on family size and income, and enrollment is confidential.  If financial circumstances have changed for your family due to Covid-19, please check to see if you are eligible to participate in the Free and Reduced Meals program.

Families currently eligible must submit a new application each year.

For more information and to apply on-line.  Click here.

The HCPSS website provides a list of the benefits provided to children who are eligible for FARMs.

Attendance During Virtual Learning

Active student participation is the key to student achievement, both in the classroom and during distance learning. Teachers will design engaging lessons and activities, both for virtual live classes and online assignments. Regular participation is essential for student growth, and students are expected to engage in learning activities every week.

Student attendance for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday instruction will occur as follows:

  • At the elementary level, both the homeroom teacher and mathematics teacher will take attendance, noting whether students were present online for synchronous instruction.
  • Daily attendance will be based on teacher-recorded attendance for the entire school day.

Student attendance for Wednesday instruction will occur as follows:

  • A student will be counted as present if they do one or more of the following since the previous Wednesday:
    • Submit an assignment to one of their teachers
    • Engage in synchronous instruction with an HCPSS teacher
    • Complete work in the Canvas learning management system, DreamBox or Lexia Core5

Vaccine Clinic/Clinicas de Vacunas

Free vaccines will be available from 4-6 pm on September 24th at Deep Run Elementary.

More information in Engish

More information in Spanish

Trouble with Technology for Learning?

After receiving a Chromebook, families can use the directions for connecting a Chromebook to Wi-Fi to connect it to their home network. Students who forget their username or password can use the Account Self Service directions to retrieve their account credentials. A variety of common self-help resources can be found on the Student Technology Resources Canvas community. If you or your child has questions on how to use the technology to access instruction please contact your child's teacher. If you are having technical issues and have tried all the above resources, please complete the Deep Run Tech Help Form and a staff member will contact you.

Worth Repeating

School Meals

The food services program during the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year will consist of Grab-and-Go breakfasts and lunches served Monday through Friday from 8–9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m. at Deep Run ES.

Parents of students who qualify for Free and Reduced-Price Meals (FARMs) must submit a new application every school year. View program details and learn how to apply.