Virtual Parent Cafes for Parents of Children Birth-5yrs

Virtual Parent Cafés are coming to you in October and November!

Partnering with Parents to Help Keep Families Strong!

A parent in a recent Virtual Parent Café said: “Parent Cafés help me talk about things I need to talk about and realize I’m not alone.”

Maryland Family Network is providing Virtual Parent Cafés for parents of children birth through age five.

Virtual Parent Cafés are a free, safe space for parents to have meaningful conversations with other parents. The structured conversations give parents an opportunity to talk together about things that matter to them. They’re a great way to help us stay connected and keep our families strong during these difficult times.

Advance registration is required – just click on the link for the Cafe you want to attend!

Bilingual Virtual Parent Café 10/13 6 pm – 8 pm (Links to an external site.)

Virtual Parent Café on 10/28 2 pm – 4 pm (Links to an external site.)

Virtual Parent Cafe 11/10 6 pm – 8 pm (Links to an external site.)

Virtual Parent Cafe 11/17 6 pm – 8 pm (Links to an external site.)