Important Dates
October 13 Flu Vaccine Clinic at DRES
October 14 MAP Testing Grades 2-5
October 14 Title I Navigating Canvas and Supporting Virtual Learning Night 6:30pm
October 16 Half Day for Students (Related Arts Orange Day)
October 20 PTA Meeting 7pm
October 23 Spirit Day--Hat Day
November 3 No School for Election Day
Halloween 2020
Although we recognize that Halloween activities held during the school day have been a long-standing tradition at our school, the decision has been made to not hold Halloween activities during the virtual instructional day this school year in any HCPSS school. This allows all students, whether they recognize Halloween or not, to fully participate and engage in instruction on October 30th.
Title I Navigating Canvas and Supporting Virtual Learning Night
Parents are invited to learn how to navigate CANVAS and ways to support their child during virtual learning. Parents will explore ways to support student learning behaviors, parent role in virtual learning, building independent learners, examine links students use like Jamboard, Peardeck, etc. There will be time to ask questions and give feedback.
When: October 14, 2020 6:30 - 8:00 PM
6:30- 7:15 PM Navigating Canvas
7:15 - 7:45 PM Supporting Virtual Learning
7:45 - 8:00 PM Questions/ Answers/ Evaluation
Google Meet Codes will be sent out before the event. There will be sessions in both English and Spanish.
DRES Título I Navegar por CANVAS y apoyar el aprendizaje virtual
Se invita a los padres a aprender a navegar y enviar las tareas por CANVAS y las formas de apoyar a sus hijos durante el aprendizaje virtual. Formas de apoyar los comportamientos de aprendizaje de sus hijos durante el tiempo que están con los maestros virtualmente, el papel de los padres en el aprendizaje virtual, de como desarroyar el hábito para que sus hijos puedan trabajar y aprender independientemente, repasar los enlances(links) que usan los estudiantes como Jamboard, Peardeck, etc. Habrá tiempo para hacer preguntas y dar comentarios.
Cuándo: 14 de octubre de 2020 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
6: 30-7: 15 PM Navegación por CANVAS
7:15 - 7:45 PM Apoyo al aprendizaje virtual
7:45 - 8:00 PM Preguntas / Respuestas / Evaluación
Los códigos de reunión de Google se enviarán antes del evento. Habrá sesiones en inglés y español.
Schedule Adjustment for Early Dismissal on October 16th.
The HCPSS 2020-2021 calendar includes four scheduled 3-hour early dismissal days:- Friday, October 16, 2020
- Friday, November 6, 2020
- Monday, November 23, 2020
- Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Parent Connect!
We appreciated meeting and collaborating with parents at our first Parent Connect meeting yesterday morning. This was a very valuable time for school staff and parents to share information and ask/answer questions. Here are the slides that were presented:
Join us for our next Parent Connect meetings on:
October 27--Spanish for our Hispanic Families 6:30
November 10--with our school conselors to talk about children's wellness and well-being 6:30
November 19--Spanish for our Hispanic Families 6:30
Register Now for the Council of Elders Community Academy on October 17th
The Council of Edlers of Howard County presents its first Community Academy on October 17th from 9:00-10:30 am. The topic will focus on how to effectively maintain communication with your child's school. On-line resources and effective strategies will be shared. Register here.
Council of Elders Community Academy October 17th
Rent Assistance for Families Impacted by Covid-19
Do you need assistance paying past due rent, mortgage payments, and preventing eviction? There is help available! Read more
Winter Coat Giveaway October 10th in Laurel
Winter coat giveaway on Saturday, October 10th from 10 am until noon.Read more
PTA Fall Fundraiser
The PTA Boon's Supply Fundraiser runs October 5th-30th and has a wide collection of very useful home products.Read more
MAP Testing Math
Information and questions/answers about the MAP administration on October 14th. Read more
El examen de MAP viene este otoño
Estimados padres de estudiantes en 2º, 3º, 4º, y 5º grados. El examen de MAP viene este otoño! Read more
Free Food Distribution at Duckett's Lane ES on Saturdays at 10:00
Free box of food for families:
Ducketts Lane Elementary School
6501 Duckett Lane
Elkridge, MD 21075
10:00 am **(can come early at 9:00am)
Saturday, October 10, 2020 Saturday, October 17, 2020
Saturday, October 24, 2020 Saturday, October 31, 2020
Each car will be eligible to receive one box of food, and all participants must wear a face mask during pickup. There are no income or documentation restrictions. We have requested over 2,000 boxes of food, but once the food is gone it is gone. You are welcome to come each week that the program is available to receive food whether walking or by car.
Regalando Cajas de Comida GRATIS
Cada carro es eligible para recibir una caja de comida. Todos los participantes tienen que llevar una mascarilla mientras que recogan la comida. Read more
Virtual Parent Cafés are coming to you in October and November!
Partnering with Parents to Help Keep Families Strong! Maryland Family Network is providing Virtual Parent Cafés for parents of children birth through age five.
Virtual Parent Cafés are a free, safe space for parents to have meaningful conversations with other parents. The structured conversations give parents an opportunity to talk together about things that matter to them. They’re a great way to help us stay connected and keep our families strong during these difficult times.
Advance registration is required – just click on the link for the Cafe you want to attend!
Bilingual Virtual Parent Café 10/13 6 pm – 8 pm (Links to an external site.)
Virtual Parent Café on 10/28 2 pm – 4 pm (Links to an external site.)
Virtual Parent Cafe 11/10 6 pm – 8 pm (Links to an external site.)
Virtual Parent Cafe 11/17 6 pm – 8 pm (Links to an external site.)
We Value Our Educational Partners
Please review the HCPSS Educational Partnerships Annual Report. Read more
Worth Repeating
Learn about attendance expectations and what to do if your child will be absent from virtual learning. Read more
Join the Deep Run PTA!
Join the PTA! Our DRES PTA membership drive is kicking off. While we missed seeing you at Back to School Night this year, we're hoping you still become a PTA member to help support the DRES school community. All sign-ups are now online at Membership dues are $15 for the 2020-2021 school year. If you wish to make an additional tax-deductible donation, you can do so online in the MemberHub store. Thank you!
PTA Membership Information English and Español
Deep Run Website
Please refer to our website for information about:
- Attendance
- MAP Testing
- Back to School Resources
- Virtual Learning Resources
- Technology Help for Families