CogAT Assessment for 3rd and 5th Grades--January, 2022

Students in grades 3 and 5 will be participating in CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) the second and third weeks of January 2022 (see schedule below).  CogAT assesses the learned reasoning abilities of students, which are developed through both in-school and out-of-school experiences.  The students will be assessed in three areas: verbal, quantitative and non-verbal reasoning.  Verbal reasoning assesses the students' ability to use search, retrieval, and comparison processes using concepts essential for verbal reasoning.  Quantitative reasoning assesses students' ability to reason about patterns and relations using concepts essential in quantitative thinking.  Non-verbal reasoning assesses students' ability to reason with more novel questions that use spatial and figural content.  CogAT is one of several assessments used to help determine eligibility for GT math placement in 4th and 6th grade.  For further questions, feel free to contact Assistant Principals Ashleigh Townsend ( or Sophia Quirk ( 


Testing Schedule

Grade 3       January 10th (PM) & 11th (AM)

Grade 5       January 18th (PM) & 19th (AM)