Hero of the day program at DRES

We are excited to re-launch our Deep Run Hero of the Day program! We look forward to having parents/guardians, grandparents, community leaders and other adults in our students’ lives get involved at our school!!

What is Hero of the Day?

Hero of the Day is a program for caring adults to volunteer at Deep Run. Caring adults will greet students with high fives in the morning or during lunch. It is a school spirit program to show our students how much we all support them and care about them and their school.

Who can participate?

Parents/guardians, grandparents, community leaders and other adults in our students’ lives.

When can I do it?

We will do our best to accommodate your schedule and find a time that is convenient for you. Usually, Heroes come visit Deep Run on Mondays and Wednesdays. Heroes who greet students at arrival will need to be at DRES by 8:45am. Heroes who greet students during lunch have a window of time from 10:45am-1:45pm to greet students.

Please fill in the hours you will be our hero in the comments of your signup.

Sign up: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DAFAF2FA31-dres1

Why should I participate?

Kids LOVE to see caring adults in school. Your child will be proud to have you visit. Your participation sends a strong, positive message to all students that school is important. You will be a hero for the day!

How will I know what to do?

Your participation will be confirmed via phone or email. When you arrive you will be greeted and given a schedule to follow. A staff member will escort you through the schedule.

How do I find out more or sign up?

If you have questions, you can contact Glenna Deekle (DRES Family Involvement Contact) at 410-313-5000 or by email (Glenna_Deekle@hcpss.org).