DRES PTA Boosterthon Pledge Collection

Parents, your students did such a great job at the Deep Run Boosterthon Glow Run on Wednesday! A huge Hurrah! to all the helpers who made our Castle Quest adventure a good one! Thank you parents, staff, teachers & volunteers for supporting our PTA these past two weeks and helping at the Run. Here are a few highlights:
    •    Total Laps Run: 13,219
    •    Lap Average: 34.51
    •    Estimated School Pledge Profit: $11,545 (based on 95% collection)
    •    32 States represented
    •    4 Countries represented: India, Ireland, Puerto Rico, United States
Money Collection: Even though the Fun Run is over, we are not finished yet. It is time to focus on donation collections which support our PTA, school & students. You may have received an email or flyer about pledges and donations which are due Tuesday, Nov 14th (you can send money in earlier if you want). Simply place all pledge money into the Boosterthon collection envelope sent home with your child and send it back to school. If you use a regular envelope or baggie, make sure your child’s name, grade, and teacher are on it so they can get credit for the donation.

Checks should be made payable to DRES PTA.  Also, sponsors can pay online if they entered their email address on www.funrun.com. If you have already sent in your money, please disregard the collection reminder letter and the student envelope.  Prizes will be given out to students who have earned them by the Boosterthon team later in November. Thank you again!