DRES Girls on the Run

Attentions DRES Girls in Grades 3-5!

Girls on the Run Registration Opened February 11th  Go to www.gotrcentralmd.org  to register.  Registration is $175.  Scholarships are available.

Spring Session Starts March 19th. Girls will meet on Mondays and Thursdays from 4:00 - 5:15.

5K Run is June 2nd

Sponsored by Ms. Basile

Girls on the Run® is a life-changing, experiential learning program for girls in 3rd - 5th grade. The GOTR curriculum is based on current research in the field of elementary education, social-emotional learning, and positive youth development. Teams of 15-20 girls meet twice weekly after school for 10 weeks. Each lesson focuses on themes that girls can relate to such as making and being friends, recognizing and managing emotions, and working as a team. Our trained coaches use running to inspire and motivate, encourage lifelong health and fitness, and build confidence through accomplishment. As part of the program, each team creates and executes a local community service project to show girls that they have the power and potential to make a difference in their community and on society. Important social, psychological, and physical skills and abilities are developed and reinforced throughout the program. Each season concludes with the girls and their running buddies completing a 5k run, which provides a tangible sense of achievement as well as a framework for setting and achieving life goals. The spring season will start the week of March 18, with the season-ending 5k scheduled for June 2 in Columbia, MD. Registration opens on Sunday, February 11th at 12:00 noon. Program registration fee is $175 and includes 5k registration, water bottle, t-shirt, and all program materials. Financial assistance is available. Visit www.gotrcentralmd.org to register. Questions? Call 443-864-8593.