Back to School Policies Review with Students

Each year, the principal and assistant principals meet with each grade for a class meeting during the first few weeks of school to review some of the very important policies of the Howard County Public School System.  Each of the following policies was reviewed with students using developmentally appropriate language with appropriate connections for each grade level.  The following policies were reviewed:

Attendance (Policy 9010)

Safe and Supportive School Environment (Policy 1040)

Civility (Policy 1000)

Bullying (Policy 1060)

Weapons (Policy 9250)

Discrimination (Policy 1010)

Grading/Reporting (Policy 8010 and 8020)

Dress Code (Policy 9210)

Medication (Policy 9230)

Responsibile Use of Technology (Policy 8080)

Transportation/Bus Behavior (Policy 5200)

View all policies on the Howard County Public School System Website.

View a summary of policies and other school system procedures in the Student and Parent Handbook.