Walk and Bike to School

Walk and Bike to School at Deep Run is October 10th

We invite you to walk or bike to Deep Run with your child on October 10th.  Walk & Bike to School Day is an annual event celebrated around the world that promotes and celebrates several of our Wellness and Green School initiatives such as…

     - increasing physical activity!

     - reinforcing safe pedestrian skills!

     - raising awareness of our walkable community!

     - highlighting the importance of a clean and safe environment!

     - reducing traffic congestion, pollution & speed near our school!

     - reducing, reusing, & recycling! Bring us used markers, glue sticks, & old clothing!

     - providing another opportunity for our learning community to come together!

Our DRES staff members will line our sidewalks to monitor safety & celebrate with our students & families! Students can earn Bear Bucks, Rocky the Ranger is scheduled to appear, music will fill the air, and lots of surprises are planned!

Walkers: Our DRES staff members will line Old Waterloo Road to celebrate our walkers and bike riders who walk and bike to school every day.

Car Riders: We encourage our car riders to walk to school with family, friends and/or neighbors or park away from our school grounds and walk at least a portion of their morning “commute” to school.                                                                                                                            

Bus Riders: Students receiving bus service will be dropped off at Waterloo Park and will walk along our rear sidewalks and blacktop area in order to join in on the fun.