Dates to Remember
- December 14 Stuffed Animal Day--bring a stuffed animal to school--one that can fit in a back pack
- December 18 PTA 7pm in Cafeteria
- December 18 Green School Toy Swap 5-7 pm in Media
- December 19 Advanced Band and Orchestra Concert
- December 21 Spirit Day--sweater day
- December 24-January 1 Winter Break
- January 2 Back to School
- January 4 Spirit Day--Sports Friday--wear your favorite team shirt or colors
- January 11 Spirit Day--Deep Run Pride--wear blue and white or a Deep Run shirt
- January 15 Parent Learning Series--Technology
News and Events
The Deep Run Staff wishes all our families a relaxing and safe winter break. Happy Holidays. See you in 2019!
PTA Meeting December 19th--Learn About Standardized Testing
Come join us at our next PTA meeting, Tuesday December 18th. Assistant Principal Notari will be presenting the facts about standardized testing. We all see those test scores come home several times per year, now is the time to make sense of them! Come learn more about the standardized tests your child takes at DRES, understanding the scores, and how the data is used. There will be time for Q&A. If you have questions you'd like to submit in advance, please email We hope to see you there!
Before the meeting, be sure to participate in the Toy Swap from 5-7 in the media center. Gently used, FREE toys will be available.
Are You Receiving Email Notifications from Your Child's Teacher?
Many of the teachers at Deep Run are using Canvas to send messages to parents. Please follow these directions to make sure you are set up in Canvas to receive the notifications:
How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as an observer?
Update My Profile and Notification Settings
Free Winter Break Meals
The Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) is collaborating with the Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services, the Howard County Library System and the Community Action Council of Howard County to provide nutrition for children in need during the winter school break. Free Winter Break Meals will be offered at two Howard County locations on Thursday, December 27 and Friday, December 28, 2018. The locations are Florence Bain Center and the East Columbia Library.
Click here for more information.
Worth Repeating
2017-2018 School Report Card and Every Student Succeeds Act
On December 4th the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) released a “2017-2018 School Report Card” containing data about Deep Run Elementary as part of the requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed into law in 2015. This is the first year this school data report will be issued.
Though MSDE refers to the data as a report card, please note that it bears no relation to the report card that your child receives. Data is reported on the school as a whole and not for individual students. Deep Run earned a 4 star rating out of 5 stars!
Click here to learn more about about the school report card.
School Attendance
Regular daily attendance at school is very important for school success and helps to ensure the mastery of curriculum. Students are required to be in school every day except for the following reasons: death in the family, illness, a court summons, and religious obligation. Students may be lawfully absent for these reasons if the parent sends in a note explaining the absence. Notes can be handwritten or you can email an explanation to your child's teacher or to:
The student services team and administrators meet on a monthly basis to review the attendance of our students and phone calls are made or letters sent when students are absent for more than 10% of the days schools are open. This includes excused and unexcused absences.
Recyle Your Gently Used Toys at the Deep Run Toy Swap
The Deep Run Green School Committee will hold a gently used Toy Swap on December 18 from 5-7 in the cafeteria. Please send in toys that are in good condition before December 18th. Large toys/bikes should be brought in on the 18th. Families will be able to come to school and select toys for Free on December 18th starting at 5 and ending in time for the PTA meeting at 7pm. This is a great way to RECYCLE toys your children no longer use.
Click here for more information.
6th Grade and GT Parent Orientation at Mayfield Woods--Coming January 15th
Mayfield Woods will hold their rising 6th and GT Grade Parent Orientation on January 15, 2019 at 5:45 pm. The snow date will be 1/23/19.
Are You Eligible for FARMs?
The Free and Reduced-Priced Meals (FARMs) program provides access to an array of services for qualified families including free and reduced-priced breakfasts and lunches, free SAT and ACT registration, free tuition to take college courses at Howard Community College while still enrolled in high school, free college applications, reduced AP exam fees, reduced costs for a number of services provided by Howard County Rec and Parks, Columbia Association and Comcast, and much more. Visit the HCPSS website for more information and to apply.
Deep Run Electronic Student Resources
Students use several electronic resources throughout the school day. Most of these resources are available to students beyond the school day. Click on the flyer below to learn how to access these resources.
DRES Electronic Student Resources
Community News and Programs
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.