Dates to Remember
- April 26 Spirit Day--Deep Ride Pride--wear blue or DRES shirt
- April 26 PTA Field Day T-Shirt Sale--Orders Due Today
- April 26 PTA Restaurant Night at Pei Wei 4-9pm
- April 26-May1 Clothing Drive
- April 29 PARCC Testing Begins
- May 1 Yearbook Orders Due
- May 1 Band Concert 6:00
- May 1 Orchestra Concert 7:00
- May 1 Children's Clothing Giveaway 4-6:30 pm
- May 2 Spring Pictures
- May 3 Spirit Day--Dress in a Job for the Future
- May 10 Spirit Day--wear an ugly tie
- May 15 Songbirds Concert 6:30
- May 16 Bookmobile 4:30
- May 17 3 hr. Early Dismissal at 12:55
- May 17 PTA Family Event at Launch Trampoline Park 2-8 pm
- May 17 Hat Day
- May 23 Field Day
- May 23 Enrichment Fair 6:30
- May 24 Spirit Day--Deep Ride Pride--wear blue or DRES shirt
- May 27 Schools Closed for Memorial Day
News and Events
Deep Run Yearbooks Yearbook Orders due May 1st! This is your last chance to order your yearbook for the 2018 - 2019 school year. Yearbooks cost $15. Cash, check, or online payments are accepted. If ordering online, visit and enter our school code: 108429. Additional yearbook forms are located in our front office. Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6-10The PTA is plannng a week of activities to appreciate the teaching staff at Deep Run. Parents are encouraged to help the teachers restock school supplies used in their classrooms. Please review the list attached below and consider sending one or two of the items to school during the week of May 6th.
Teacher Appreciation School Supply Wish List
Shower Your Teacher in May Flowers During Teacher Appreciation Week Teacher appreciation week is a great time to send a message to your teachers, past and present, to let them know just how much you appreciate them. The 5th grade is holding a fundraiser to send flowers to your teachers with a personal message attached from you. Each flower costs just $1 and all of the proceeds go towards the 5th grade’s end of year celebration. Please fill out the form below and return with cash (exact change) or checks made payable to DRES – 5th Grade Celebration Fund. All orders must be in no later than Wednesday May 1st. Flowers will be delivered on Tuesday May 7th. Extra forms are available in the front office. Thank you for supporting the 5th grade!! Carnation Order Form PTA Restaurant Night at Pei WeiJoin family and friends at Pei Wei on Dobbin Center Way on April 26th from 4-9 pm. Bring the flyer below and Deep Run will receive 20% of the sales.
Worth Repeating
Deep Run PTA Field Day T-Shirt The Deep Run Field Day is on May 23rd. This year, the PTA is sponsoring a Field Day T-Shirt sale with a different color shirt for each class. Please click here to see the details and order form. Order forms will also be sent home in Wednesday folders. Orders are due April 26. Deep Run Title 1 Survey Deep Run (DRES) is a Schoolwide Title I School. Parent Involvement is an important part of Title I. DRES and Howard County Public Schools (HCPSS) value your input and partnership in supporting the academic success of your child. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey regarding school improvement, climate, and family engagement. This will be used to evaluate our Title I program so that we can better serve you. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential. Please complete the online survey by Friday, May 24. 2018-2019 DRES Parent Involvement Input Survey English Encuesta de Opinión de la Escuela Primaria Deep Run sobre la Participación de Padres 2018-2019 PTA Clothing Giveaway-May 1--4-6:30 pm
The DRES PTA is sponsoring a children’s clothing giveaway to benefit members of the Deep Run community! Please consider donating your CLEAN, gently used clothing that will be distributed to DRES families. We are in need of clothes for children of all ages! Presorting clothes by size and gender will be GREATLY appreciated!!!! Collection boxes will be located at the front entrance of the school from April 23-May 1!!
Clothing distribution will take place on May 1st
PTA Family Event--Launch--May 17th--2-8 pm
Save the date! School will dismiss early on May 17th--at 12:55. PTA has arranged a fundraiser event at the Launch Trampoline Park in Columbia from 2-8 pm. Please bring the flyer below to Launch on the 17th so the DRES PTA can receive 25% of the sales. On line ticket purchases will not count towards fundraiser.
Attention 5th Grade Parents: Mayfield Woods MS PTA Needs Your Help
Planning for the next year begins now. There are many opportunities for new faces to become involved in the PTA. Training is on the job, and the board is always happy to provide support where needed. If chairing an event or committee seems too much to begin with then agree to work on a committee. Most committees are in charge of one-time events that require very little work if many are involved. Click here to read more about the vacant positions. Read more
PARCC Testing for Grades 3-5--Coming Soon!
The PARCC assessment will be administered to students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades beginning April 29th. Read more
GT Summer Institutes The HCPSS GT Summer Institutes are still accepting registrations for the summer 2019 program. Spaces are available in a variety of elementary classes that provide enrichment experiences in technology, science, engineering, advanced art, and more. Visit for further information. Please make sure to click on the GT SITD link towards the bottom of the page. Classes with a few open spots are noted on the attached list.The Dentist is Coming to Deep Run!
Big Smiles Dental will be visiting our school May 29 and 30 for their bi-annual visit. Big Smiles provides a state licensed dentist to perform cleanings, x-rays as necessary, fluoride treatment and apply sealants, as needed. Additional care, such as fillings, may also be provided. A dental report card will be sent home with your child. Sign and return the form that will be in your child's Wednesday folder.
For additional information, check out their website
Kindergarten Registration
Online registration is now open for the 2019-2020 school year! Online registrations can be finalized in person at school.
Parents/guardians of children who will be five as of September 1, 2019 must enroll their children in kindergarten for the 2019-2020 school year. Parents may begin the enrollment process online, followed by completion of the registration process at Deep Run Elementary. Online registration is not required and parents may elect to complete the full registration in person.
This link provides detailed information about the kindergarten registration process.
More information about enrollment in HCPSS can be found here.
Friday, March 15th is the last day for walk in kindergarten registration between the hours of 9:30 am and 3:00 PM. K registrations can be completed after March 15 by appointment only - please call 410-313-5000 if you need to schedule a time.
PreK Registration
Pre-K applications for 2019-2020 and processing will begin the week of March 18th.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Deep Run has been selected to participate in Read with Me, a partnership between HCPSS, Bright Minds, the HC Early Childhood Advisory Council, and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
This program is for ANY baby or young child age 4 or under who lives in the Deep Run Elementary area. This includes your relatives and neighbors who live in the Deep Run area. Books will be mailed directly to your child. If you would like to sign up, complete the form below--one form per child. Contact Glenna Deekle at Deep Run with questions at 410-313-5000 or Read more
Community News and Programs
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.