Dates to Remember
- June 14 Dress Tacky Day
- June 14 Grade 4 Rockyfest 2:00 - 3:30pm
- June 17 Grade 2 Rockyfest 2:00 - 3:30pm
- June 18 5th Grade Promotion 9:45 am
- June 18 Last day for 1/2 day RECC and PreK
- June 18 Grade 3 Rockyfest 2:00 - 3:30pm
- Jume 19-21 No breakfast
- June 19 Kindergarten Rockyfest 10:30 - 12:00am
- June 19 Early Dismissal at 12:55
- June 20 Grade 1 Rockyfest 9:30 - 10:50am
- June 20 Early Dismissal at 12:55
- June 21 Last Day of School, Dismiss at 12:55
- June 24 Summer Lunch Program Begins 12:30 - 1:30 at DRES
News and Events
All medications in the health room will need to be picked up by a parent no later than Friday, June 21 by 1 pm. Any medication remaining will be disposed of properly.
5th Grade Promotion is Tuesday, June 18th at 9:45am
Our 5th grade promotion ceremony will be held on Tuesday, June 18th from 9:45 to 11:00. The ceremony will be held at Deep Run Elementary in the cafeteria. Since this is a promotion and not a graduation, we are asking that families consider this a special day but not think of it like a high school graduation.
- Students should wear dressy clothes for the ceremony.
- Each 5th grader is allowed 3 guests. This will allow us to keep within the fire code capacity for the cafeteria.
- Siblings of 5th graders in other grades in the school will not be called down to attend the promotion. We will be broadcasting the promotion live to the classrooms in the building.
- Strollers will not be allowed in the cafeteria—we need all possible space for chairs and people to stand. There will be a “parking lot” for strollers at the entrance of the school.
- Students and their guests are invited to refreshments after the ceremony in front of the school.
- Parents may sign their child out with the homeroom teacher at the end of the ceremony. Parents may only sign out their own child.
- Parking is going to be difficult—the bus loop can be used for parking after 9:20. Please consider parking in the Waterloo Park. Please consider walking or car-pooling.
Summer Lunch Program Includes Snacks for the Weekend
Weekend Warrior Snack Packs: FREE bag of snacks available on FRIDAYS to provide nutrition over the weekend during the summer months for youth, ages 18 and younger.
Meriendas defin de semana Weekend Warriors: bolsa de merienda GRATIS disponible losVIERNESa fin de proporcionarlenutrición para el fin de semana durante los meses de veranoaniños y jóvenes hasta los 18 años de edad
Worth Repeating
Deep Run End of Year Rocky Fest
Our Deep Run families are invited to join us for RockyFest 2019! RockyFest will serve as our Quarter Four PBIS Celebration/End of Year Picnic. The celebration will be a "pumped up" version of our Pumped Up Recess celebration which is a student favorite. We will have additional recess equipment, various stations/activities, music, bubbles, chalk, dancing and more available for our students, staff and families to play with together. Listed below are some important RockyFest 2019 details...
Schedule--see schedule above under dates
• Students will be served lunch at their regularly scheduled times on their designated RockyFest day.
• Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle labeled with their name to RockyFest.
• Each student will be provided a popsicle treat.
• RockyFest will take place on our school playground and fields.
◦ The 5th grade celebration will take place at Waterloo Park.
• Depending on the temperature, the planned activities may have to be altered or moved to the classroom if the Heat Index rises above 95 degrees.
Preparing for RockyFest
• Students can bring...
◦ a hat to wear outside.
◦ a blanket or towel to sit on to talk with friends, relax, enjoy their popsicles, and hydrate.
◦ sunscreen but need to have a note from their parents giving them permission to apply it.
Families, please sign in with the front office upon arrival to receive a visitor badge. We hope to see you there!
Summer Meals Program at Deep Run this Summer
Deep Run will be hosting one of the Howard County Summer Meals programs from June 25-August 16th from 12:30-1:30 in the cafeteria. Please read the following flyers for more information.
Free Summer Fun for Families
Summer break is just two weeks away. Take a look at all the summer fun available to families for FREE!
Free and Cheap Summer Calendar
Upcoming HCPSS Boundary Review Process
This past January, the Board of Education directed that HCPSS initiate a systemwide school boundary review, which could potentially impact any or all of the 74 comprehensive schools in our county. This review will begin on June 13 with the presentation of the 2019 Feasibility Study and is critical due to population growth that has resulted in crowding at many schools while schools in other areas are underutilized.
Families are encouraged to remain informed and engaged throughout the process and there will be multiple opportunities for you to participate. As Superintendent Dr. Michael Martirano said earlier this week, a successful outcome for this process depends directly on the level of respect, empathy and careful listening that we as adults model for our children. We must remember that they will follow our lead in responding positively to the challenges and changes that are inevitable throughout life. I ask our community to practice civility during what can be an emotional process.
Please be sure to visit the boundary review page on the HCPSS website for more information, resources, a timeline, and ways to participate. Additionally, HCPSS staff would like your questions related specifically to the way the boundary review process is being conducted and communication and engagement efforts.
Kindergarten Registration
Online registration is now open for the 2019-2020 school year! Online registrations can be finalized in person at school.
Parents/guardians of children who will be five as of September 1, 2019 must enroll their children in kindergarten for the 2019-2020 school year. Parents may begin the enrollment process online, followed by completion of the registration process at Deep Run Elementary. Online registration is not required and parents may elect to complete the full registration in person.
This link provides detailed information about the kindergarten registration process.
More information about enrollment in HCPSS can be found here.
Friday, March 15th is the last day for walk in kindergarten registration between the hours of 9:30 am and 3:00 PM. K registrations can be completed after March 15 by appointment only - please call 410-313-5000 if you need to schedule a time.
PreK Registration
Pre-K applications for 2019-2020 and processing will begin the week of March 18th.
Community News and Programs
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.