Prekindergarten, Kindergarten and New Student Orientations

We are looking forward to welcoming all our families back to school for the 2022-2023 school year.  We are offering orientation activities for our new students and our very popular Open House for all families.

Prekindergarten (all 3 and 4 year old programs)

August 26 at 1:15--Orientation (RECC classrooms)

August 26 from 2-3--Open House


August 20 at 9:00--Playdate at Waterloo Park at the end of Old Waterloo Road

August 22 from 4-5 pm--Popsicles on the Playground (DRES playground and blacktop)

August 26 at 1:15--Orientation for kindergarten children and their parents (cafeteria)

August 26 from 2-3--Open House

New Students Grades 1-5 (we also welcome students returning from the Digital Education Center)

August 26 at 10:00 (cafeteria)

August 26 from 2-3--Open House 

All Students and Families

August 26 from 2-3--Open House

August 26 from 2:30-3:30--Back to School Bash with the HoCo Local Children's Board

Bring school supplies and leave in the classroom.  Supplies will be available for families in need.