Deep Run Digest 5-26-2023

May 29                   No School--Memorial Day

May 30                   Title I 5th Grade Transition Night at DRES 6:30

May 31                   Ranger School Store 3-5

May 31                    Advanced Band and Strings, and Songbirds Concert 6:30

June 1                     Kindergarten Concert 6:30

June 3                     Free Clothing at Duckett's Lane ES

June 7                     Early Dismissal 12:55

June 7                    Jump into Kindergarten 6:30

June 8                     5th Grade Promotion 9:45

June 9                     Last Day for 1/2 Day RECC and PreK Programs

June 12                   Early Dismissal at 12:55

June 13                   Early Dismissal at 12:55

June 14                   Last Day of School--Early Dismissal at 12:55

June 16                   Report Cards Issued Online at 4:00pm


Thank You to Additional Community Partners for Staff Appreciation Week

A huge thank you goes to the following businesses who also assisted the Deep Run  PTA with Teacher Appreciation Week:

  • Ketuz Treats 
  • Chaos to Calm 

Jump into Kindergarten

On June 7th from 6:30-7:30, children entering kindergarten and their families will see a kindergarten classroom at Deep Run. Parents will learn some tips and tricks for a smooth transition to kindergarten.  The rising kidnergarteners will experience some fun K activities.

Free Clothing at Duckett's Lane Elementary on June 3

There will be  a "gently used" free clothing/shoe distribution event at Ducketts Lane on Saturday, June 3 beginning at 10:00 am. 

Ropa gratis en Ducketts Lane ES el 3 de junio a las 10:00 am.

Summer Fun and Academic Resources

Learn about ideas and resources to keep children busy and engaged all summer long!

Read more

Let’s Celebrate Math! 1st grade teachers invite you! 

When: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 11:00-11:50 am

Where: Your child's 1st grade math class

What: Come see what your 1st grader learned in math this year with math games. Each child will receive a bag of games and materials to take home for summer! 

¡Celebremos las Matemáticas! ¡Los maestros de 1er grado te invitan!

Cuando: miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023 11:00-11:50 am

Dónde: La clase de matemáticas de primer grado de su hijo

Qué: Venga a ver lo que su hijo de primer grado aprendió en matemáticas este año con los juegos de matemáticas. ¡Cada niño recibirá una bolsa de juegos y materiales para llevar a casa durante el verano!

HCPSS Pride Week June 5-9

Learn about the activities being offered for Pride Week this year.

June 6th--Family Read the Rainbow


Repeated News

DRES Ranger Store

The DRES Ranger School Store is BACK on Wednesdays in May! Students will be able to purchase notebooks, pencils, erasers, and more! Every item will be $1! There will be a $5 spending maximum. Please do not send your child with more than $5. The school store will be open in the courtyard during arrival on the following days: 

May 31th- 3rd -5th  grade shopping

¡La tienda de la escuela DRES Ranger está DE VUELTA en mayo! ¡Los estudiantes podrán comprar cuadernos, lápices, borradores y más! A continuación se muestran los días de compras. ¡Cada artículo costará $1! Habrá un gasto máximo de $5. Por favor, no envíe a su hijo con más de $5. La tienda de la escuela estará abierta en el patio durante la llegada en los siguientes días:

31 de mayo - Compras de 3ro y 5to grado

PreK and Kindergarten Registration

Pre-K: Families of children who will be four years old by September 1, 2023 may apply for Pre-K. For an application and more information about the program and 2023-2024 eligibility, please visit the HCPSS website. Parents/guardians should submit a completed application to or to their local elementary school. Pre-K Program Location fliers and posters have been distributed to all elementary schools; electronic versions of Pre-K applications and advertising fliers can be accessed on Canvas

Kindergarten: Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open! Families of children who will be five years old by September 1, 2023 should enroll their child in kindergarten or submit a kindergarten waiver. “It’s Time to Register for Kindergarten” fliers and posters have been distributed to all elementary schools; electronic files can be accessed on Canvas. Families can find more information about enrolling children in kindergarten, as well as resources to support kindergarten readiness, the kindergarten waiver, and more on the HCPSS website.