Deep Run Digest ~ News and Information for Families? Noticias e información para las familias
January 26, 2024

Mission: Deep Run Elementary ensures academic success and social-emotional well-being for each student by celebrating our diversity, setting high expectations, and ensuring equitable access and opportunities for all learners.

All School dates are posted on our Deep Run Community Calendar located on our Website
Important Dates:
28th. 1st Grade ELA MAP Testing
28th. Road to Kindergarten Parent Information Session (6-7:30 pm.) More Information
29th. Professional Work day ~ Schools Closed for Students
30th. 3rd Grade ELA MAP Testing
31st. PTA Glow Bingo Night (6:30-7:30 pm.) ~ Bingo Information
31st. Parent Teacher Conference Scheduling window closes at 4pm.
4th. Report Cards Issued at 4pm.
5th. Schools Only Close 3 Hours Early-Parent/Teacher Conferences (No half-day Pre-K/RECC)
6th. Schools Only Close 3 Hours Early-Parent/Teacher Conferences (No half-day Pre-K/RECC)
7th. Schools closed for Students: Professional Learning Day
25th. Cozy Night of Reading (6:15-7:30 pm.) ~ Save-the Date
*HCPSS calendars can be found HERE. They can be downloaded, subscribed to and/or printed out.
*The HCPSS Related Arts Color Calendar can be found HERE.
All School dates are posted on our Deep Run Community Calendar located on our Website
A Word from You Administrators
Dear Deep Run Families,
Congratulations to ALL of our Spelling Bee contestants who took a risk, got upon the stage and tried to spell that tricky word. There could only be one winner, and all of our participants did their best and perhaps most importantly handled disappointment so well. We would also like to acknowledge our Golden Bear Buck students who were recognized with a "glow party" on Friday. We are so proud of our students for showing up to school and for doing their best in school. Despite the school days we have had our students are always engaged and willing to learn
Nigel La Roche Jerome Pickens Colleen Golden
Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
Information for Families Regarding Visits by Representatives from State or Federal Agencies
Please see the Howard County Public School System’s message related to the Department of Homeland Security’s directive allowing immigration enforcement actions to occur in sensitive areas, including schools and bus stops, and the process school administrators take when schools are unexpectedly visited by representatives from State or Federal Agencies.
Road to Kindergarten ~ Tuesday, January 28th
Do you have a child who will be 5 in September? Please attend a Road to Kindergarten event to learn more!
¿Tiene un hijo que cumplirá 5 años en septiembre? Asista a un evento de Road to Kindergarten para obtener más información.
MWMS Rising 6th Grade Parent Night
If you were not able to attend the rising 6th grade parent night, please click here to review the presentation: MWMS Family Night Information
Student Attendance Matters
As we start a new year, we wanted to uplift the importance of students attending each and every day. Consistent student attendance supports learning and helps to build routines. For more information on student attendance please click here
Al comenzar un nuevo año, queríamos destacar la importancia de que los alumnos asistan todos los días. La asistencia consistente de los estudiantes apoya el aprendizaje y ayuda a construir rutinas. Para obtener más información sobre la asistencia de los estudiantes por favor haga clic aquí
February Parent Teacher Conferences
Please review the following information regarding scheduling your Parent Teacher Conference. Please note that the deadline for scheduling your child's conference is Friday, January 31st at 4pm. See here for more information.
Young Authors Contest
The 2024-2025 Deep Run Young Author's Contest winners have officially been selected!! Many students submitted entries this year and the judging was difficult. We have so many wonderful authors here at DRES! Without further adieu, the winners in each grade-level are...
- Salma Zoghbi ~ The Mystery of the Missing Class Pet (Short Story)
- Bryce Lockett ~ The Flash and Big Blue's Christmas (Short Story)
- Kayla Morgan ~ Dan's Latest Adventure (Short Story)
- Dylan Corona ~ Sound Poem: Cello (Poetry)
- Dawn Medio ~ One Winter Day (Poetry)
- Sophia Forkner ~ The Great Breakout (Short Story)
- Kaylin Cartwright ~ My Grandma (Poetry)
- Brian Carrigan ~ Pinocchio Told By Geppeto (Short Story)
Congratulations to these young authors! The winners in each grade will have their writing submitted to the Howard County Level for judging. If their writing wins at the county-level, their families will be contacted, along with myself and their teacher, and they will be invited to an awards ceremony. Good-luck to all of our DRES winners! A special thank you to all our teachers for fostering the joy of writing and to Ms. Yost for her investment in the Young Author's Program.
Cold Weather Reminders
As we are fully moving into cold weather season, we wanted to remind you that students will still be going outside for recess. Please make sure you send your child to school with warm clothes. All clothing needs to be labeled with your child's name to prevent it from being lost.
Below you will find HCPSS criteria we consider when having outdoor activities:
- Temperature and humidity
- Wind chill
- Heat index and air quality
- Age of students
- Length of time outdoors
- Adequacy of the children’s clothing
- Condition of the playground
- Falling precipitation (more than a sprinkle or mist)
- Thunder and lightning
Generally, it is assumed that students will be outside for recess, physical education, or any other outdoor activity when the temperature combined with the wind chill is not less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit or the heat index reading is less than 95.
Thank you.
Recordatorios sobre el estado del tiempo frío
Amedida que nos acercamos al invierno y a los días más fríos, queríamos recordarles que los estudiantes continuarán saliendo al recreo en la mayoría de las ocasiones. Asegúrense de enviar a su estudiante a la escuela con ropa abrigada y prendas para adaptarse (para poder quitarse o ponerse). Cualquier prenda externa que se pueda quitar (abrigo, sudadera con capucha, gorra, etc.) debe estar etiquetada con el nombre de su estudiante.
Acontinuación, se incluyen los criterios del HCPSS que tenemos en cuenta al realizar actividades al aire libre:
- Temperatura y humedad
- Sensación térmica
- Índice de calor y calidad del aire
- Edad de los estudiantes
- Cantidad de tiempo al aire libre
- Adecuación de la ropa de los niños
- Estado del parque infantil
- Precipitación (más que una llovizna o neblina)
Truenos y relámpagos
Por lo general, se supone que los estudiantes estarán al aire libre para el recreo, educación física o cualquier otra actividad al aire libre cuando la temperatura combinada con la sensación térmica no sea inferior a 20 grados Fahrenheit o la lectura del índice de calor sea inferior a 95 grados Fahrenheit.
Please Join the PTA!
We encourage every family to join the PTA. Membership dues directly support the DRES community and help make our activities and events possible. Thank you for your support! Read more
Update your Family File Today! Actualice hoy su expediente familiar
It is important that you update your family file today. Es importante que actualice hoy su expediente familiar. Read more
Please visit the HCPSS website Community News and Programs site for upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.
Visite el sitio web de HCPSS Community News and Programs site para conocer los próximos eventos y programas patrocinados por organizaciones sin fines de lucro.
HCPSS Student & Parent Handbook: The Student & Parent Handbook can be found online and outlines districtwide practices and policies related to parents and students, including the Student Code of Conduct, school procedures, student responsibilities and more.
HCPSS Policy 9400 Student Behavior Intervention: Please review the following information. Read More