Deep Run End of Year RockyFest!

Our Deep Run families are invited to join us for RockyFest 2019! RockyFest will serve as our Quarter Four PBIS Celebration/End of Year Picnic. The celebration will be a "pumped up" version of our Pumped Up Recess celebration which is a student favorite. We will have additional recess equipment, various stations/activities, music, bubbles, chalk, dancing and more available for our students, staff and families to play with together. Listed below are some important RockyFest 2019 details...
    •    Friday, 6/7 - PreK RECC "Fun in the Sun"  (takes the place of RockyFest)
    •    Friday, 6/7 @ 12:30-3:00 - Grade 5 at Waterloo Park - End of Elementary School Celebration (takes the place of RockyFest)

    •    Tuesday, 6/11 @ 2:00-3:30 - Grade 3
    •    Friday, 6/14 @ 2:00-3:30 - Grade 4
    •    Monday, 6/17 @ 2:00-3:30 - Grade 2
    •    Wednesday 6/19 @ 10:30-12:00 - Kindergarten (3 Hour Early Dismissal)
    •    Thursday, 6/20 @ 9:30-10:50 - Grade 1 (3 Hour Early Dismissal)

    •    Students will be served lunch at their regularly scheduled times on their designated RockyFest day.
    •    Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle labeled with their name to RockyFest.
    •    Each student will be provided a popsicle treat.

    •    RockyFest will take place on our school playground and fields.
    ◦    The 5th grade celebration will take place at Waterloo Park.  
    •    Depending on the temperature, the planned activities may have to be altered or moved to the classroom if the Heat Index rises above 95 degrees.

Preparing for RockyFest
    •    Students can bring...
    ◦    a hat to wear outside.
    ◦    a blanket or towel to sit on to talk with friends, relax, enjoy their popsicles, and hydrate.
    ◦    sunscreen but need to have a note from their parents giving them permission to apply it.
Families, please sign in with the front office upon arrival to receive a visitor badge. We hope to see you there!