BSAP Fall Saturday Math Academy

Looking for a little extra math help for your child/children?  Well, look no further! The BSAP's (Black Student Achievement Program) Fall session for Saturday Math Academy is about to get underway once again....and yes, though it's all virtual, it is still the highly sought after resource that it has been for 28 years.  SMA provides all certified teachers who help enrich the math experience for ALL students on ALL levels. Students are grouped according to their current ability and taught strategies that will help them excel to the next level. Finally, classes fill quickly for below, on, and above grade levels.  Don't miss this opportunity.  The real testimony...Our students say it's fun learning the lifelong skills that SMA teaches! So, sign up for the six week Fall session on Sept. 26, 2020.  The cost is $80 ($40 FARMS) for the entire session for each student. Hope to see your child's smiling face in the space BSAP SMA Virtual Fall 2020 Program.
BSAP SMA Flyer Spanish
BSAP Register
BSAP SMA FAQs Fall 2020