Masking at School

Mask Availability in Schools
KN 95 masks will be available at schools.  While KN95 masks are recommended by the CDC and students may bring their own if they have them, they are not mandated. Students and staff will be permitted to use disposable or cloth masks. Disposable masks will continue to be available in schools for all students and staff, especially for younger children for whom KN95 masks may not fit.  Masks will be given to students who arrive at school without a mask or if their mask is lost during the school day.  Masks will also be given to students who have a mask that does not cover their nose and mouth. 

Masking Expectations
CDC guidance for schools has not changed regarding removing masks while eating. Students and staff are permitted to remove their masks while eating or drinking, and are required to wear masks at all other times while indoors. Some students and staff have received medical exemptions for mask-wearing, which will continue to be granted.