Deep Run Digest 1-7-22

Jan 7           Spirit Day--Football Friday

Jan 17         No School--Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan 18         PTA Meeting 7:00

Jan 19         Early Dismissal 12:55, No 1/2 day PreK

Jan 21         Spirit Day--Crazy Hair Day

Jan 21         End of Quarter 2 Marking Period

Jan 24         No School

Jan 27         Advanced Band and Grade 3 Strings Concert 6:00

Jan 31         Report Cards Available in Synergy after 5 pm


Masking at School

Mask Availability in Schools
KN 95 masks will be available at schools.  While KN95 masks are recommended by the CDC and students may bring their own if they have them, they are not mandated. Students and staff will be permitted to use disposable or cloth masks. Disposable masks will continue to be available in schools for all students and staff, especially for younger children for whom KN95 masks may not fit.  Masks will be given to students who arrive at school without a mask or if their mask is lost during the school day.  Masks will also be given to students who have a mask that does not cover their nose and mouth. 

Masking Expectations
CDC guidance for schools has not changed regarding removing masks while eating. Students and staff are permitted to remove their masks while eating or drinking, and are required to wear masks at all other times while indoors. Some students and staff have received medical exemptions for mask-wearing, which will continue to be granted.

Worth Repeating

Young Author's Contest

A few weeks ago a packet was sent home in all first through fifth graders’ Wednesday Folders.  Please encourage your child to submit an original poem and/or short story.  Attached is the explanation on what is required at each level and how to submit your child’s work.  All entries are due by January 20th, 2022.  If you have any questions, please email

English Flyer

Spanish Flyer

Staff Appreciation Throughout the Year

Parents often ask what they can do to support their child's teachers as well as the other staff at Deep Run.  A small snack item is always appreciated!  Consider ordering individually packaged snacks using the Amazon Wishlist below.  All items will be sent directly from Amazon to Deep Run and placed in the staff lounge for easy access by staff.  Thank you!

Volunteer/Observer Vaccine Requirement

All volunteers and chaperones who interact with students, and parents/guardians who are conducting classroom observations will be required to use the PinPoint platform to show proof of full vaccination at least five school days in advance. Read more

Covid-19 Self Screenings

All parents/guardians are to perform a COVID-19 health check every day before your student leaves home. Students are not to come to school if they are experiencing any symptom(s) associated with COVID-19 or other communicable disease.