Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation Mobile Aquatic Science Lab

Deep Run will host the Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation Mobile Aquatic Science Lab during the week of February 5th.  This is the second consecutive year Deep Run has hosted the mobile science lab which is an educational outreach program of the Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation, Inc.

Our Rangers will visit the lab to learn about the important role agriculture plays in their daily lives.  These lessons are matched to Next Generation Science Standards, Environmental Literacy, and Maryland College & Career Ready Standards supporting core subject area classroom objectives.
Our primary students will participate in one of the following 30-minute mini-lessons on Monday or Tuesday…
·      Bug Out
·      Crabs and The Bay
Our intermediate students will participate in one of the following 50-minute investigations on Wednesday through Friday…
·      Wetlands in a Pan
·      Clear or Cloudy
·      Aqua Terra Column
There is no cost to our families for this in-school learning opportunity.  HCPSS and grants written by Agricultural license plate revenues and donor contributions will cover the cost of this experience for our students. For more information on MAEF or its programs, please visit their website at