News from the Deep Run Health Room

To our new families, Welcome to Deep Run and to our returning families, Welcome Back!  I am your child’s cluster nurse, Adriane Breck.  Along with Health Assistant, Melanie Hansen-Boone, our goal is to keep your child healthy and in school.  We would like to share some helpful hints for the start of the year.   
    •    Please place an extra set of clothes in your child’s book bag.  Younger children will have bathroom accidents and the older children will sometimes get messy on the playground. 
    •    We are very excited to have TeleHealth in our health room this year.  A packet of information and consent form was sent home in your child’s Wednesday folder.  Please complete and send back.  This is a fantastic opportunity to have your child seen by a physician if sick or injured at school with no cost to you and no time missed from work or school.
    •    Just a reminder, if your child receives immunizations, please send an updated copy to the health room. 
    •    The Flu shot will be administered October 12.  We will be administering the injection this year NOT the flumist. Please look for more information and the electronic consent in the near future.
    •    If your child is sick (temperature >100, vomiting, diarrhea more than 3 times) please keep them at home until they are fever free and vomit free for 24 hours.  Students may attend school if they have occasional diarrhea.
    •    The health room is always in need of elastic waist pants and shorts donations. We go through them very fast!
We look forward to a healthy and happy school year with your child.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 410-313-5051.