Deep Run Digest ~ News and Information for Families? Noticias e información para las familias
March 7, 2024

Mission: Deep Run Elementary ensures academic success and social-emotional well-being for each student by celebrating our diversity, setting high expectations, and ensuring equitable access and opportunities for all learners.

All School dates are posted on our Deep Run Community Calendar located on our Website
Important Dates:
10th ~ School Club Pictures Taken Today
14th ~ Schools Close 3 Hours Early (12:55 pm.) (No Half Day PreK/RECC) - Professional Work and Wellness Day
15th ~ Special Education resource Fair (10-2 pm.) at Cedar Lane School
31st ~ Change to School Calendar: School is in Session for students today
*HCPSS calendars can be found HERE. They can be downloaded, subscribed to and/or printed out.
*The HCPSS Related Arts Color Calendar can be found HERE.
All School dates are posted on our Deep Run Community Calendar located on our Website
A Word from You Administrators
Dear Deep Run Families,
Have a great week!
Nigel La Roche Jerome Pickens Colleen Golden
Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal

Girls on The Run Registration Information
Click here to see how your child can be a part of the Girls on The Run Program at DRES. Haga clic aquí para ver cómo su hija puede formar parte del Programa Girls on The Run en DRES.
HCPSS Special Education Resource Fair
Saturday, March 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Cedar Lane School
11630 Scaggsville Road, Fulton, MD
The HCPSS Special Education Resource Fair provides families with information available from the community and HCPSS to support their students receiving special education and related services (those who have an IEP or IFSP). For further information, please contact Registration is not required.
Student Enrollment/Registration for 2025-2026 School Year
Registration for new students for the 2025-2026 school year is open. Children must be 5 years old by September 1, 2025, in order to enroll in kindergarten. Please call 410-313-5000 or email us at for more information. When completing the online enrollment, families MUST upload the following documents:
- Birth Certificate or other acceptable evidence of birth
- Immunization Records from physician
- Signed original, current complete lease (all pages) or complete recorded deed (all pages) with your address, valid dates, signatures
- Current utility bill with name and address (non-cellular telephone, gas and electric, cable bill issued in the last 45 days.)
- Any additional paperwork that may be necessary due to special living arrangements or circumstances.
- *Registering parent must bring their Picture ID to the front office to complete the registration.
All documents MUST be uploaded with your registration for it to be complete. Do not submit registration until all documents are uploaded.
Pre-Kindergarten Registration opens for the 2025-2026 school year on March 10th. Children must be 4 years old by September 1, 2025 in order to enroll in pre-kindergarten. Anyone wishing to register must first complete an application reflecting expanded eligibility criteria that the HCPSS Early Childhood Office reviews for qualification. You can review more information about eligibility on the HCPSS website or contact Early Childhood Programs at 410-313-6836.
Student Attendance Matters
As we start a new year, we wanted to uplift the importance of students attending each and every day. Consistent student attendance supports learning and helps to build routines. For more information on student attendance please click here
Al comenzar un nuevo año, queríamos destacar la importancia de que los alumnos asistan todos los días. La asistencia consistente de los estudiantes apoya el aprendizaje y ayuda a construir rutinas. Para obtener más información sobre la asistencia de los estudiantes por favor haga clic aquí
Parent Communication
Thank you to all those parents who attended our latest Parent Connect Session. As always, it is great to hear what our community needs and to provide tips and strategies for supporting our students at home. Click here for more information
Please Join the PTA!
We encourage every family to join the PTA. Membership dues directly support the DRES community and help make our activities and events possible. Thank you for your support! Read more
Update your Family File Today! Actualice hoy su expediente familiar
It is important that you update your family file today. Es importante que actualice hoy su expediente familiar. Read more
Please visit the HCPSS website Community News and Programs site for upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.
Visite el sitio web de HCPSS Community News and Programs site para conocer los próximos eventos y programas patrocinados por organizaciones sin fines de lucro.
New HCPSS Resources For Families
New Resources for Families: A new webpage highlights HCPSS and community resources for families, including those related to food, shelter, financial assistance, and more.
Supports for Families of Impacted Federal Workers
Information on supports and resources for families who may be impacted by recent federal government layoffs can be found on the HCPSS website. Schools may share this information and link with families as applicable. Contact Emily Bahhar with any questions.
HCPSS Supports for Immigrant Families
The following this link has just been created to support immigrant families and students. Resources will continue to be added to the page as they become available.
HCPSS Student & Parent Handbook
The Student & Parent Handbook can be found online and outlines districtwide practices and policies related to parents and students, including the Student Code of Conduct, school procedures, student responsibilities and more.
HC DrugFree Updates (3-6-2025)
Free Parenting/Grand parenting Classes - Open to parents, guardians and grandparents residing in Howard County or with school-age children/grandchildren residing in the County. Evidence-based, interactive prevention program that provides families with the skills and knowledge to reduce the risk that their children will use drugs and alcohol or engage in other dangerous behaviors. The curriculum was written for families with children 9-14 years olds, but we believe it is appropriate for K-12 families. Class dates: March 18, 21, 25, 28 and April 1 from Noon to 1:30 p.m. on Zoom. Visit HC DrugFree’s website for more information and register at
Drive-Thru Medication and Sharps Disposal – Saturday, April 26 in the Wilde Lake Village Center Parking Lot near the Swim Center from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Safely dispose of prescription and over-the-counter medication, EpiPens and other sharps, vitamins, pet meds, vape devices, inhalers, and more! Need student, adult, and medically-trained adult volunteers. Giving away 100 medication lockboxes.
For more information:
To sign up to volunteer:
Teen Advisory Council - Open to Howard County students in grades 8-12. Earn Community Service Hours and make meaningful contributions to the community. Next meeting: Monday May 19, 2025, from 5:30-7:00pm on Zoom. For more information, visit:
HCPSS Policy 9400 Student Behavior Intervention:
Please review the following information. Read More